We begin the Catechism registration from August 13th. All children aged 6 and above can be registered for Catechism. Old students who are already in the Catechism program in our Parish also need to re-register. Registration or Re-registration fees is 75 Dirhams. You can register and re-register on Sundays in the Parish Hall between 9 AM to 12 Noon and on weekdays in the Parish Office during Parish Office time.
- For new registration for Grade one, please bring a copy of Child's Baptism certificate
- For new registration for other Grades, please bring Grade completion certificate/letter from Previous Parish, where your child attended catechism, along with Child's Baptism certificate copy.
For Catechism registration form click here
- Students join Grade 1 on completion of six years of age and continue their eight-year faith formation that culminates with the sacrament of confirmation in Grade 8.
- Students already in the Catechism programme will automatically proceed to the next grade.
- Each year generally starts in September/October and Ends in April/May.
- Each of these 8 years has a separate curriculum as described below.
- The program uses 'Sadliers - We believe' series approved by the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia and the Office of Christian Formation for Parish Catechism across the vicariate for Grades 1-6.
- Grade 7 and 8 use the 'Called to be faithful - A Confirmation journey' specially developed as a confirmation program for use in the Vicariate.
- Grades 9 -12 follow 'Life Teen' Programme.
- For First Holy Communion, Children prepare themselves for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Grade 3 and receive their First Holy Communion in Grade 4.
- For Confirmation, preparations for Confirmation begin in Grade 7 and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Grade 8